Discerning Photog: BoneyardBeach1-20x24in
Discerning Photog: ManresaOakAlleyBench-20x30 in
Discerning Photog: Fountainebleau Oak Alley 24x36V3
Discerning Photog: PontchartrainPierNew 20x30in
Discerning Photog: BoneyardOak-20x30in
Discerning Photog: Fontainebleau Oak-20x30in
Discerning Photog: BrookgreenGardenoak1-20x30V2
Discerning Photog: McDonoghOak-24x20in
Discerning Photog: McDonoghOak2-20x30in
Discerning Photog: IntoTheLightV2-30x20in
Discerning Photog: BrookgreenGardenOak2-24x20in
Discerning Photog: BrookgreenOak2-27x30in-Layers
Discerning Photog: FountainbleauOakDetail-20x20in
Discerning Photog: DuBoreOak1-20x30in
Discerning Photog: deBoreOak4-20x24in
Discerning Photog: ManresaOak-36x24in
Discerning Photog: Dancing Oaks 9x12in
Discerning Photog: Milk Thistle beginnings. #Spring is here! #nature #Louisiana
Discerning Photog: #Denver airport. #Colorado
Discerning Photog: #Denver #Colorado rooftops...early snow!
Discerning Photog: Commuter #coffee made right at home!
Discerning Photog: The #feet that #God gave me. #louisiana. #nola
Discerning Photog: Lost power for no reason this evening. How we are dependent upon our #technology! Got out the candles and and had a wonderful evening.
Discerning Photog: Moonflower. Photographed in the early morning before it shrivels up and dies. These #flowers only last one night. #nature. #louisiana
Discerning Photog: Levee road, #Mississippiriver at the #Manresa House of Retreats, 2012. #landscape. #landscape_lover. #nature. #louisiana
Discerning Photog: Red bench, #Manresa House of Retreats, Convent, #Louisiana. #landscape. #landscape_lovers #nature
Discerning Photog: Road warrior #dogs. As seen in #Nashville, #Tennessee.
Discerning Photog: #Manresa live #oaks in the first light of day near Convent, #Louisiana.
Discerning Photog: Early fall in Nashville, Tn. Believe it or not, this is inside a park in the city limits.
Discerning Photog: Breakwater Dawn, Lake #Pontchartrain north of #New #Orleans #nola