GAR Girl: Frances and Mary T. Willard Headstone
GAR Girl: DAR Ruth Van Ness McElroy 1898 - 1959
GAR Girl: Ruth Van Ness McElroy DAR Medallion Close
GAR Girl: Read Dunning Civil War Veteran Memorial
GAR Girl: Read Dunning Civil War Marker
GAR Girl: John Woodridge WW I Marker
GAR Girl: Confederate Marker
GAR Girl: James Lawrence
GAR Girl: Frank Church Illinois Marine
GAR Girl: James Smith
GAR Girl: John Bross US Colored Troops
GAR Girl: Edward Rose
GAR Girl: War of 1812 Metal Marker
GAR Girl: Unknown with GAR Marker
GAR Girl: George Bangs, 36th IL Vol Infantry
GAR Girl: Proctor Hudek Co F, 24th Ill Infantry
GAR Girl: Frank Kudrna Co B 17 US Infantry
GAR Girl: Jos T Gerny Co B 4 US Infantry
GAR Girl: John W. Merchant Co. H, 8th Ill Cavalry
GAR Girl: Charles H. Sudybyl, Co.H, 1st Ill Infantry
GAR Girl: Richard Taylor Co. D 95th US Infantry
GAR Girl: John Howard Stibbs, 12th Iowa Volunteers US Infantry
GAR Girl: Peet Overton Co. F, 95th Ill Infantry
GAR Girl: Rose Hill Cemetery, North side Civil War section
GAR Girl: Rosehill Civil War section left side
GAR Girl: Uniion Civil War Plaque
GAR Girl: Major O. C. Towne Civil War Veteran, True Patriot
GAR Girl: Spanish American Memorial
GAR Girl: Andrew Barclay Spurling MOH, 2nd Maine Cavalry
GAR Girl: GAR grave, Philip Vanderen, North Solon Cemetery, Richmond, IL