Dolldom Photography: Track and Field
CatPats: Stacey
daisy doogood: Magda on the window
Charlie679: IMG_7279
Dolldom Photography: "You look down on me, because I work for a living. Don't you?"
PepperAndToast: She doesn’t know he’s Gary with a silent “r”
bobbysfashionshk: Bobbys Bespoke Suit Sam Ramsey
william 1122: All of my number 3 girls in original outfits. The two unfaded dolls (in Barbie Q and Gay Parisienne) are sisters. They came from the same owner and are my favorites.
cureilona of Lightpainted Doll: BiDoll One of a Kind Articulated Porcelain BJD Artist Doll by Rafael Nuri
MonkEyGstudio: 1/8 scale wooden bjd
dambuster01: Sam in stripes....
dambuster01: My Sweet Islay
Dolldom Photography: Freckles for All
Dearlittledoll: waldorf doll 15" AMBER
daisy doogood: Elizabeth Grace
dilkathebear: Mia's sweet dream
daisy doogood: A new arrival
fowler_jerald: Long Haired American Girl Barbie
DeanReen: Barbie v. Ab Fab
daisy doogood: Zara Ziggy Stardust
fowler_jerald: Fifty Shades...Lighter?
dambuster01: My forever girl!
daisy doogood: Ruby Red slippers
daisy doogood: Ruby Red Slippers
~*~Cathy~*~: Polar bear