Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis Diehl’s Hybrid opening more flowers
Nancy in SLAZ:
Matucana madisoniorum
Nancy in SLAZ:
Leuchtenbergia principis still flowering in October
Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis For Norma in October
Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis Antimatter
Nancy in SLAZ:
Rain lilies after lots of rain this summer in Phoenix
Nancy in SLAZ:
Pygmaeocereus bieblii
Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis Peach Flowered Hybrid
Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis Peach flowered hybrid does great in the heat
Nancy in SLAZ:
Gymnocalycium leeanum
Nancy in SLAZ:
Parodia magnifica
Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis Peach flowered hybrid
Nancy in SLAZ:
Up in Pine AZ
Nancy in SLAZ:
No rain in Phoenix but it has been pouring up in Pine for days! So needed for the big forest trees!
Nancy in SLAZ:
Gymnocalycium denudatum
Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis Peach Flowered Hybrid
Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis ‘Lemon Pie’
Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis huascha
Nancy in SLAZ:
Mammillaria thornberi (AZ native)
Nancy in SLAZ:
Lobivia (Bolivian Day Flower)
Nancy in SLAZ:
Mammillaria mazatlanense
Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis ‘Romance’
Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis ‘Cassandra’
Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis ‘For Norma’
Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis ‘Tuffet’
Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis ‘Los Angeles’
Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis ‘First Light’
Nancy in SLAZ:
Echinopsis peach hybrid Miles Anderson
Nancy in SLAZ:
Trichocereus ‘Diehl’s Hybrid with the fourth blooms this summer!