morris 811: can we still be friends?
jeffcoleman372: Grey Wagtail looking down the lens !
Johan Buts: Balancing.
bcbirdergirl: Adult Brandt's Cormorant (Urile penicillatus) in flight - Point Roberts, WA
bcbirdergirl: Pelagic Cormorant (Urile pelagicus) in flight - Point Roberts, WA
bcbirdergirl: Temminck's Stint (Calidris temminckii) - Victoria, BC
Corriplaya: Gaviota patagona, Leucophaeus scoresbii, Dolphin Gull
gashuffer: Slender-billed Prion (Pachyptila belcheri)
gashuffer: Kerguelen Petrel (Pterodroma brevirostra)
gashuffer: Grey Petrel (Procellaria cinerea)
johnedmond: Bridled Tern (Onychoprion anaethetus)
chdphd: Great Skua Landing
J16R9 - Éclectisme: At full speed
J16R9 - Éclectisme: Dragonfly in flight
J16R9 - Éclectisme: Cinclus cinclus
J16R9 - Éclectisme: Photo graphique
J16R9 - Éclectisme: Melanargia galathea (Demi-deuil)
hedera.baltica: Great reed warbler
Richard Saville - Nature Photography: Chiffchaff - Dannet's Hill Epping Forest
debbiemeader: Whooo are you looking at??
Tang Heng: Poorwill
philippe.soriano: A Black-throated Blue Warbler (male; see accompanying post for the female)
philippe.soriano: A Black-throated Blue Warbler (female; see accompanying post for the male)
davygenney: Timid......definitely not
dzittin: Golden-crowned Tanager (Iridosornis rufivertex)
Jesse_in_CT: Clapper Rail
pbill56: Ringed Plover.
CherylsBirds: Connecticut Warbler