Bill.Thompson: Lighthouse at Gay Head
Bill.Thompson: Spring Peeper
Bill.Thompson: Harbor Seals
Bill.Thompson: Harbor Seals
Bill.Thompson: Mallard
Bill.Thompson: American Black Duck
Bill.Thompson: American Black Ducks
Bill.Thompson: American Wigeon
Bill.Thompson: Red-breasted Merganser
Bill.Thompson: Barrow's and Common Goldeneyes
Bill.Thompson: Buffleheads
Bill.Thompson: Buffleheads
Bill.Thompson: Buffleheads
Bill.Thompson: Great Egret
Bill.Thompson: Great Egret and Great Blue Heron
Bill.Thompson: Black-crowned Night-heron
Bill.Thompson: Black-crowned Night-heron
Bill.Thompson: Northern Harrier
Bill.Thompson: Bonaparte's Gull
Bill.Thompson: Black-capped Chickadee
Bill.Thompson: Song Sparrow