Syrdarian: The Echoing Mines of the Mountain's Heart
dan.ko56: The Crow Knight
lcsfan94: Makuta MNOG/Void
gunplashipmaster: HGIBO Barbatos Lupus Rex (Painted)
zane_houston: Kanto Starters
Andrea Lattanzio: The Adobe House (or Mexican House) on Bricklink Designer Program
Gamabomb: Hyakuri
Gamabomb: 10FS
BobDeQuatre: #6175 Crystal Explorer Sub
StudentScissors: Lego Transformers Soundwave
StudentScissors: Lego Transformers Soundwave
woomy world: Hydralligator
Nannan Z.: 20 years in the Lego community
th_squirrel: Delicious in Dungeon
zane_houston: Shadowball
impactdeficiency: Wicked Witch of the West
gunplashipmaster: HG Barbatos Lupus (Painted)
Hobo Sapien: Wandering Mausoleum
dicken_liu: IMGP3093
jayfa_mocs: Draconis Wisteria
j-p-30: LEGO MOC Pigs in Space and Swinetrek
syoya.: Toa Mata
Ghost Hunter Gunn: Rocket Racer's R1 special
Entertainingly lame: Neo Futuron WIP
Ghost Hunter Gunn: Batmobile (Batman Beyond)
AjRed17: Aptaleon
BenSpector42: Krakkin Attackin'
the_ Inventor: Space Armada Sentry