Buddy Patrick: Heritage Denied: Saint George's Terrace Circa 1881 (Parramatta, New South Wales)
Buddy Patrick: Heritage Denied: P & G E S Co. Ltd. Substation No. 16 (Parramatta, New South Wales)
rajbhoy: Flying Foxes in Casuarina
rajbhoy: Flying Fox Gliding
rajbhoy: Flying Fox Landing
rajbhoy: Jacaranda Details
rajbhoy: Peaches at Wistaria Gardens 2
Val in Sydney: not yet in full bloom
gemini*jen: seeing red...
gemini*jen: poppies by the river
gemini*jen: going to pieces...
Val in Sydney: Enjoying the garden
gemini*jen: daisy macro
John_de_Souza: Wisteria Gardens 2014
iwikoz6: Wisteria Gardens - Parramatta Park
Ivor Jones: Wistaria (Wisteria) Festival, Parramatta, NSW, Sept.2017
Ben Harris-Roxas: Flown the nest
Ben Harris-Roxas: When you go overboard with the label maker
Matt Bigwood: Celebration!
Ben Harris-Roxas: I don't know who's the bigger ratbag, the kid who lives next door or his rabbit. I'm genuinely amazed it hasn't been run over or killed by the feral cats in the neighbourhood.
on the water photography: Longworth Institute Building - Newcastle
on the water photography: Lost Figures - Fintan Magee - Art and About
on the water photography: Lost Figures - Fintan Magee - Art and About
Matt Bigwood: Belas Knap
michal kriesch: FireStation
lindsaybridge: 1990 WESTFIELD, PARRAMATTA
Macleay Grass Man: Bothriochloa decipiens habit NC13
cityofsound: Barangaroo
on the water photography: The Iceberg - Audi Forum - Tokyo