Paul Steven Bailey: Cyan and red
Jasrmcf: A77 The end
hedbavny: 14. 1. 2015: 60 Ink Blots, most made by Lotti (5 years old), some in collaboration, a few by me. ~ 1 runder Block 6 x 10 = 3 x 20 = 2 x 30 = 60 Klecksographien Lotti, Ingrid not Rorschach - Spiegel Mirror - Pareidolia No Miracle No Oracle
Robert Hoover: I'll Swim, I'll Swim
Thierry Bl :): Elephant
springday: IMG_7623
Jasrmcf: Fuji x-m1 old
adamshaw044: Night crawling 10
adamshaw044: Night crawling 5
adamshaw044: Night crawling 4
Luís Henrique Boucault: Nuremberg & Colors
Luís Henrique Boucault: Redwood Forest & Sunlight
Max Sat: Suivez la flèche - Follow the arrow
Gr⊙f: ⊙f the p⊙p: May The Pumpkins(like) Be With You.
CHR67: Vol de grues au petit matin
wuquan81: 20141020-IMG_0189
noomplayboy: Light from Heaven above Thailand
CHR67: Vol de grues cendrées au Lac du Der
Max Sat: Selfie
Gr⊙f: ⊙f the p⊙p: Digital Deer.