br3ttb: color-change scrap
br3ttb: 01start
br3ttb: 02Colors1
br3ttb: 03black2
br3ttb: 04colors2
br3ttb: 05black3
br3ttb: 06colors3
br3ttb: 07black4
br3ttb: 08colors4
br3ttb: 09black5
br3ttb: 10colors5
br3ttb: 11finish
br3ttb: 00text close
br3ttb: profile
br3ttb: blank canvas
br3ttb: bowser's shoe
br3ttb: paperclip protector
br3ttb: paperclip manipulation
br3ttb: Overhand Method
br3ttb: Mighty Opener
br3ttb: Installing the Protector
br3ttb: Creating the Protector
br3ttb: Size Comparison
br3ttb: laser cut business cards
br3ttb: laser cut still wraps nicely
br3ttb: <2 Second Removal
br3ttb: Bundle slides right off
br3ttb: Wrapped
br3ttb: See, just a crappy room key
br3ttb: Business Card Prototype