Guille's World: 20160909_111934
Guille's World: IMG_6500
Guille's World: 20120907_023148
Guille's World: 20120902_232346
Guille's World: Pinl Lonely friend in the street...
Guille's World: berryfly
Guille's World: ladys in moma
Guille's World: subwaycouple
Guille's World: elcano in Brooklyn
Guille's World: hello sis
Guille's World: up up up
Guille's World: there you go girl. stay still!!!
Guille's World: going to the parade
Guille's World: flags, flags, flags... your pride flag
Guille's World: let's play together
Guille's World: hello...
Guille's World: spiderman going to work...
Guille's World: "Love-Locks" Brooklyn Bridge
Guille's World: dad and son
Guille's World: in central park
Guille's World: a trip to Governor's Island
Guille's World: quack quack in the park...
Guille's World: spring is everywhere...
Guille's World: all aboard...
Guille's World: Brooklyn. NY
Guille's World: No Dogs Allowed
Guille's World: brain...