daveyboy65: DSCF6010
daveyboy65: DSCF6008
daveyboy65: DSCF6001
daveyboy65: DSCF6003
daveyboy65: DSCF6002
daveyboy65: sandsfield lane north
daveyboy65: entrance to perseverance terrace
daveyboy65: perseverance terrace built in 1872
daveyboy65: trinity street 1920
daveyboy65: trinity street 1905
daveyboy65: construction of west burton power station, 1960s
daveyboy65: construction of west burton power station 1960s
daveyboy65: constuction of west burton power station,1960s
daveyboy65: construction of west burton power station,1960s
daveyboy65: constuction of west burton power station, 1960s
daveyboy65: causeway lane 1947 floods
daveyboy65: gladstone street 1947 floods
daveyboy65: mercer rd/ropery rd junction 1947 floods
daveyboy65: bridge st 1938
daveyboy65: old queens inn , bridge st, 1961
daveyboy65: White horse Yard BW 1968
daveyboy65: bridge rd 2 , junction of lea rd
daveyboy65: bridge rd , adilaide terrace
daveyboy65: heaton street 2011
daveyboy65: bridge st 2011
daveyboy65: building of thorndyke way
daveyboy65: kebir terrace
daveyboy65: queens arms
daveyboy65: asquith street