Origma: Grassbird, Little (Poodytes gramineus goulburni)
Renee's Moment: Mount Assiniboine (EXPLORED)
Renee's Moment: Mount Assiniboine Sunset (EXPLORED)
bigvern1263: SS Dicky !
Brendan Schembri: Orange-tipped Pea-blue (Everes lacturnus)
Brendan Schembri: Pilbara Grasswren (Amytornis whitei)
Mattsummerville: Western Rosella (Platycercus icterotis)
Matt Oliver.: Birch gathering
NorthernXposure: Otter Island
bigvern1263: Someones watching !
~ Floydian ~: Ponte dei Salti - Switzerland
Origma: Egernia saxatilis intermedia
Anders Zimny: Diporiphora perplexa (male)
Jarek S. "Jerry": Bearded reedling
Quan Yuan Photo: Winter Vestrahorn
Origma: Plover, Hooded (Thinornis rubricollis cucullatus)
bigvern1263: Aquaculture
aaardvaark: Rufous Fantail in the mountains
paolobeca: The Light of Hope
Origma: Bush-hen, Pale-vented (Amaurornis moluccana)
Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography: Southern Ring-tailed Gecko (Cyrtodactylus mcdonaldi)
Jono Dashper Wildlife: Nyctimystes cf. pallidofemora
Photobirder: Buzzard Comes in to Land!
edward.evans: Norhayati's flying frog (Rhacophorus norhayatii)
Eric Gofreed: Tufted Antshrike - female
Yu Sheng Photography: Tavern in the Middle Earth, Yoho National Park, Canada
brettwoodphotoart: “Ducks on the Pond”
Origma: Bellatorias major (Land Mullet)