Sarcastic Quilter: Hi, I entered JoJo in the good dog photo contest at Garden and Gun. Will you please take a moment to vote for him & maybe ask your friends, too? Much appreciated!
Sarcastic Quilter: A pretty card, prettily wrapped bundles, a blender cup (awesome), a chocolate bar & Kind bars (which will come in handy after tomorrow's 5k mud obstacle race), & the back of my mini in that fun texture print everyone loves! @luckycharm93635 I love your c
Sarcastic Quilter: And the front. I am in love, Eileen. You have made my day and are spot on. This is all me & It's beautiful. THANK YOU! @luckycharm93635
Sarcastic Quilter: Please read
Sarcastic Quilter: I'm not entirely sure I've grasped the low volume background concept but maybe it's because I have issues with scrappy. Of you like @sewbettyjane I'll be sending your way. #stitchthatstash
Sarcastic Quilter: Saw this at the quilt show partner & couldn't resist purchasing. I'm thinking I might use one or a couple in your mini. I promise it won't be too horse themed or western themed but does this scare you anyway or are you intrigued?
Sarcastic Quilter: This is the first block for Carol's quilt. Hope it's a good start! #louisianatravelingquilt
Sarcastic Quilter: #stitchthatstash May blocks done! @dukesayssewwhat okay? Glad to be caught up just 3 days before month end.
Sarcastic Quilter: I am very ambivalent about this block. Not sure I like it enough to send to the intended recipient. #stitchthatstash
Sarcastic Quilter: #stitchthatstash April bee blocks complete. Will send them in the next day or two @dulutheran
Sarcastic Quilter: Happy mail today! #stitchthatstash bee blocks arrived. Yay! They look awesome.
Sarcastic Quilter: And the block is done. Measuring about 20.5" square. I'm going to send this off to the next person in the rotation and I will get to see it slowly start to get built. Working on the tops that come my way & seeing mine built will be fun! #LouisianaTravelin
Sarcastic Quilter: @sewbettyjane the blocks are great and the pouch, ah love, but the bars? They made me feel special b/c you are watching out for me. I'll be trying that carrot cake flavored Luna bar today, I think! . Thank you!! #stitchthatstash
Sarcastic Quilter: Fun mail from @karietkq thank you! The FQs will be reserved for a sweatnsew prize, the pouch will be put to good use & the #stitchthatstash blocks are fun! If I get duplicate color blocks, I have a couple ideas for what to do so I can't wait to see every
Sarcastic Quilter: 2 blocks would be cool but 1 is just fine. Totally up to you. (3 strips come together to complete 1, 11.5" unfinished block). Thanks everyone!
Sarcastic Quilter: March Bee Block
Sarcastic Quilter: Jenn's baby quilt
Sarcastic Quilter: Jenn's baby quilt2
Sarcastic Quilter: Pat's batik
Sarcastic Quilter: Pat's batik2
Sarcastic Quilter: Pat's cats
Sarcastic Quilter: Pat's cats2
Sarcastic Quilter: Caroline's WIP1
Sarcastic Quilter: Caroline's WIP2
Sarcastic Quilter: Caroline's WIP3
Sarcastic Quilter: Caroline's WIP4
Sarcastic Quilter: Caroline's WIP5
Sarcastic Quilter: Look at #fxbgmqg member's #catventquiltalon Awesome effect w/the grid quilting & variegated thread! Beautiful, Patricia.