retinence: Infestor: Black
space_e: Z312 Monorail Locomotive
Ironsniper: Ōkubi
/>ylan/>.: Takemikazuchi
✠Andreas: Deception
zane_houston: MATILDA Sentient Mech Queen
Babalas Shipyards: URFV Harbinger (2)
Babalas Shipyards: URFV Harbinger (a)
mondayn00dle: Weaver2
KingBrick: Dragoon V
imagination DUCK: Floating paradise
imagination DUCK: High-rise lab elimination
imagination DUCK: Belltower NGx
KingBrick: TI Rottweiler Guard Drone
√erde': SATA Grasshopper VT
Drywаll: Fenrir VT2
Drywаll: Flatbed
Drywаll: Generic MBT
Specters Scepter: Flying Squirrel VTOL brick version
Izzo Yossi: audumbla_01
Solid Brix Studios⁻: LEGO Halo 4 - UNSC Mantis (1)
Nannan Z.: The Blitz-zard: Voices of the Wind
zizy00220022: stod-weapon
legorobo:waka: Cynomys_01
ORRANGE.: HGH dropship
imagination DUCK: R- 9 Crossbow "Juggernaut"
jehkay: Armored vertical tank
Fredoichi: Aku v4 Fighter