doy4: decibel2_small
doy4: decibel writing
doy4: skank face book
doy4: model fun
doy4: business card
doy4: tent practice model
doy4: tent practice model 2
doy4: clown practice model
doy4: BBC logo finished model
doy4: BBC still
doy4: Putt and Run still
doy4: BBC character
doy4: exhibition in cambridge
doy4: e4 sting still
doy4: trip to New York
doy4: character design
doy4: Audio Porn flyer
doy4: blendshapes
doy4: Double canvas painting
doy4: Audio Porn banner
doy4: killa flyr fin
doy4: enjoy chaos1
doy4: enjoy chaos
doy4: Sequence sting fin
doy4: guilty pleasures 30sec ident