* Ana.Lilia *: "Aww... please pretty little human, can I have some scraps?" *Explored*
death and gravity: in the night
death and gravity: fire and smoke
Vasileios Ntontis Photography: reflection(better viewed by listening to TOOL)
Krynowek Eine: Hey Bulldog!
ck/ck: Barb Wire Rose № 2
talonblade: burnt by the sun
joyelbe: Meet Monty
heidill: let me in
fudepentaro: fake ttv plain frame
jssteak: daisy bench
PixelBoxPhoto: Weave Layer #2
caoseducado: Opening shot...
Nesster: sky duaflex ttl 1858
Medicinemansam: Delicately balanced (Explore)
Dracorubio: Pixel
janloek: Russian war memorial Slavin in Bratislava, Slowakia
Dracorubio: Play?