nutmeg20008: 13 weeks old; Farewell!
nutmeg20008: More flying lessons
nutmeg20008: What did I do?
nutmeg20008: Hello.
nutmeg20008: The known world...
nutmeg20008: Practice flight
nutmeg20008: A little adventure
nutmeg20008: 11 weeks old
nutmeg20008: We love "food lady"!
nutmeg20008: The family that preens together...
nutmeg20008: Ten weeks old
nutmeg20008: My new wings!
nutmeg20008: Gourmet duck food
nutmeg20008: Moonlight swim
nutmeg20008: Portrait of a fledgling duck
nutmeg20008: Lazy summer day
nutmeg20008: You are my Sunshine
nutmeg20008: The race is on!
nutmeg20008: Nine weeks old
nutmeg20008: Puddle fun
nutmeg20008: Duck therapy
nutmeg20008: Mama's boy
nutmeg20008: Eye on the sky
nutmeg20008: Seven and a half weeks old
nutmeg20008: Breakfast time
nutmeg20008: Mama June, me and one of the ten ducklings
nutmeg20008: Ah, clean water!
nutmeg20008: Look how big we are!
nutmeg20008: We have two mamas
nutmeg20008: Ducko and Quackly rule the bathroom