NicolePNW: Coopers Hawk
NicolePNW: Cedar Waxwing
Zanshin Art: First daffodils of 2025!
NicolePNW: Bewick's Wren
Laura Erickson: BB's banding certificate
NicolePNW: Bushtit
Laura Erickson: BB, my banded Pileated Woodpecker
Laura Erickson: Boreal Owl
Laura Erickson: Boreal Owl
Laura Erickson: Boreal Owl
Zanshin Art: Noel. Oils on canvas, 20” x 16”
reipa59: Verschlungene Pade / Winding paths
Zanshin Art: Work in progress
NicolePNW: Steller Jay Inland Intergrade
NicolePNW: Steller Jay Inland Intergrade
Zanshin Art: Coco
NicolePNW: Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Laura Erickson: Pileated Woodpecker
Laura Erickson: Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
NicolePNW: Steller Jay
NicolePNW: Steller's Jay
NicolePNW: Red Breasted Sapsucker
reipa59: Gänsesägerpaar / Pair of common mergansers
NicolePNW: Pine Siskin "Green Morph"
reipa59: Kolbenente / red-crested pochard
NicolePNW: Song Sparrow
reipa59: Gruppenausflug / Group excursion
NicolePNW: Townsend's Warbler
NicolePNW: Spotted Towhee