lilyboot: cupcake holders
lilyboot: trimmed lamp
lilyboot: my new old
lilyboot: the desk
lilyboot: the spare 'oom beds
lilyboot: the cosy dresser
lilyboot: mary's shelf
lilyboot: wee flowers in the sun
lilyboot: uncle frank's china
lilyboot: shells
lilyboot: supper outside
lilyboot: a little window
lilyboot: behind the sofa
lilyboot: baby books
lilyboot: the soporific blanket
lilyboot: easter pompoms
lilyboot: early morning
lilyboot: fufu looking out
lilyboot: the green tea set
lilyboot: morning sun
lilyboot: shopping bags
lilyboot: sunlight on the carpet
lilyboot: back to the house
lilyboot: miz climbing back down
lilyboot: mizunae
lilyboot: hebe the mouse
lilyboot: the finished piano
lilyboot: the keyboard lid
lilyboot: the post
lilyboot: the lower panel and leg