lilyboot: in the sewing shed
lilyboot: in the sewing shed
lilyboot: could be an outdoor table 11 November 2011
lilyboot: closeup
lilyboot: beautiful fabric
lilyboot: finished
lilyboot: gathering supplies
lilyboot: an old wooden ironing board, signed by us
lilyboot: sweetpea watching the passersby
lilyboot: at my feet
lilyboot: before roasting
lilyboot: snip snip
lilyboot: washed
lilyboot: digging
lilyboot: sweetpea at the fence
lilyboot: a bit useless
lilyboot: the corningware stovetop pot
lilyboot: the roots
lilyboot: dandelion roots 10th Novemer, 2011
lilyboot: hanging on the door
lilyboot: not sure why i didn't centre it on the door
lilyboot: thumbtacks and knitting needles
lilyboot: stained glass
lilyboot: redoing the last flower
lilyboot: stick holder
lilyboot: scissor holder
lilyboot: middle
lilyboot: done and hung
lilyboot: long
lilyboot: on a blanket