Eric Gofreed: Blue-winged teal drake-02708
Rolf Piepenbring: Düsseldorf
mabarror: En el Algarve - Portugal - 2012
mabarror: En Castelejos - Portugal - 2013
Eric Gofreed: Least sandpiper
jagar41_ Juan Antonio: Gotas de lluvia
jagar41_ Juan Antonio: Clivia_DDSC_0015
DuarteCesar: Heraclides anchisiades capys - my garden
P.J Irishlad: The black bridge U.L.
P.J Irishlad: Boats on the Shannon.
Chinde951: DSC_6508
Chinde951: DSC_6509
stanlupo (Thanks for 6,000,000 views): Blue Jay Flight 1 12_23_20
Fred Roe: Northern visitor
Fred Roe: Having breakfast
RPGB: Musiktheater im Revier (MiR) zur Weihnachtszeit
luis costa: Toutinegra-do-mato
Rolf Piepenbring: gelebte Träume - lived dreams
stanlupo (Thanks for 6,000,000 views): Red-tail Take-Off 12_15_20
stanlupo (Thanks for 6,000,000 views): Shelter in Place 12_15_20
Fred Roe: At the top
Fred Roe: In the holly
stanlupo (Thanks for 6,000,000 views): Northern Flicker in Flight 1 12_11_20
stanlupo (Thanks for 6,000,000 views): Reclusive Red-tail 2 12_15_20
stanlupo (Thanks for 6,000,000 views): Feather Afloat 12_15_20
rebelxtned: Compare Your Mailbox
Victor José: Estrada do Sunset