Andy_Hartley: Red-eyed Vireo - Finger Lakes, New York State, USA (2014)
PerAnd1: European Bee-eaters At Sierra de Guara - The Spanish Pyrenees
Tore Thiis Fjeld: Sunrise (Explore)
Rana Pipiens: Tiny on Tiny. Flat-footed Hoverfly, Platycheirus sp., on Plectranthus argentatus, Silver Spurflower, Hortus Botanicus, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Lars Ørstavik: Roadside
KvikneFoto: Elvis oktober 2021
Ken Krach Photography: Formations in North Dakota
Geraint Rowland Photography: East Beach Framing
Jan Thomas Landgren: White-tailed Eagle 2021-09-28_13
Jan Thomas Landgren: White-tailed Eagle 2021-09-28_14
ahmerinam: Cristina
ricky shore: Watertown, NY
CoolMcFlash: Rain Protected
NaPhi Media: Smile!
WernerKrause: Diet does not seem to be fun
Barstow Steve: Mean in Black and White
Bhuvan N: Mom!
moon.river70: “The King and I” [2021-06-23]
monokhromov: the life happens
Kendall Whitehouse: Keystone Comic Con 2018: Frank Miller
una cierta mirada: Un poco de luz
Koku85 (Thanks for 5M views): Lucky in backlight
Adam Swaine: Essex Rural Parish Church
ingrid eulenfan: Mittagsblume