gyps25: Dresden, old factory, 24x30cm
gyps25: Landscape near Łomża, 30x40cm
gyps25: view over Narew, 60x40cm
gyps25: Klein-Zicker, Rügen, Baltic sea, 25x20cm
gyps25: Kirche in Prädikow
gyps25: Lenzen, ballpoint with colored pencils in a Moleskine
gyps25: Blick-von-Burg-Lenzen
gyps25: Belzig sketch
gyps25: Elbe_painting
gyps25: Elbe 50x60cm oil
gyps25: Gross-Zicker I 20x20cm
gyps25: Lobbe 25x20cm
gyps25: Lychen-40x35cm
gyps25: Haussee,-Himmelpfort-50x30cm
gyps25: Sumpf-II,-20x20cm
gyps25: Blechboot-40x35cm
gyps25: Feldweg-40x35cm
gyps25: Sumpf,-40x35cm
gyps25: Weide-45x50cm-oil
gyps25: Sumpf 50x50cm, oil
gyps25: Potsdam-Bornstedt-20x25cm-oil lr
gyps25: gabarevo shadows
gyps25: botev
gyps25: ciganska kashta
gyps25: blato
gyps25: tundzha
gyps25: tundzha elachka
gyps25: along the Elbe river, Dresden | 50x40cm | oil
gyps25: bridge-Dresden-30x24cm-oil
gyps25: view from my roof, 60c60cm, oil