gyps25: winter shadows
gyps25: landscape near Zittau
gyps25: village in Brandenburg
gyps25: Dry falls, WA, USA
gyps25: landscape 2023-05
gyps25: the making of
gyps25: painting a painting
gyps25: painting a tree in blossom
gyps25: blackthorn
gyps25: road to nowhere
gyps25: Wallstraße Belzig, 40x50cm, 2023
gyps25: painting on location
gyps25: field road near Belzig
gyps25: Fredersdorf 40x40cm oil
gyps25: painting pleinair
gyps25: Belzig 2023-01-28
gyps25: street in Belzig, a small town in Brandenburg
gyps25: Bad Belzig, Marktplatz
gyps25: tomatos
gyps25: roofs and backyard in Berlin-Wedding
gyps25: landscape in southern Brandenburg
gyps25: Sophienstraße in Berlin-Mitte
gyps25: Roofs in Berlin-Wedding Gerichtshöfe
gyps25: hay trail, 30x40cm, 2022
gyps25: dusty road, 40x50cm, 2022
gyps25: Donau bei Ulm 20x20cm
gyps25: Park IV Bad Cannstatt, 40x40cm Öl
gyps25: Park III Bad Cannstatt, 30x40cm Öl
gyps25: Park II Bad Cannstatt, 40x40cm Öl
gyps25: view from a church in Bad Cannstatt