anokpanok: Ice at the waterfront of Lake Michigan
anokpanok: Ice at the waterfront of Lake Michigan
anokpanok: Ice at the waterfront of Lake Michigan
anokpanok: Ice at the waterfront of Lake Michigan
anokpanok: Wave
anokpanok: Cold morning on Lake Michigan
anokpanok: Cold morning on Lake Michigan
anokpanok: Basement door
anokpanok: Rough waters
anokpanok: Shell building
anokpanok: A sunset from atop the city museum
anokpanok: Saturday morning
anokpanok: Saturday morning
anokpanok: Saturday morning
anokpanok: DSC_9784
anokpanok: A Muscovy duck
anokpanok: Atchafalaya
anokpanok: Dermon building
anokpanok: Wildass bird
anokpanok: Flower
anokpanok: Volo bog in the fall
anokpanok: Messy face
anokpanok: The last leaves
anokpanok: Flwr
anokpanok: Skokie lagoon
anokpanok: Summer stream
anokpanok: Flwr
anokpanok: Driftless sunset