huysmans.carla: crimson roses on the Roseraie de l'Haye
huysmans.carla: marvelous sunrise (1)
huysmans.carla: frozen red berries on the cotoneaster
huysmans.carla: flowering ivy
huysmans.carla: dark blue sky early in the morning
huysmans.carla: dark blue sky early in the morning
huysmans.carla: fog early in the morning
huysmans.carla: spider web
huysmans.carla: autumn colors on the bushes in the frontgarden,neighbourhouse across the street (2)
huysmans.carla: a fine colored David Austin rose
huysmans.carla: beautiful flowers on the gardentable (2)
huysmans.carla: beautiful flowers on the gardentable (2)
huysmans.carla: red berries on the cotoneaster (1)
huysmans.carla: marvelous sir Oberon on the headboard of my bed
huysmans.carla: Carl with a glass red wine in his hand,thinking
huysmans.carla: multicolored siamese by the designer Rosina Wachtmeister
huysmans.carla: beautiful carmine flower on the Roseraie de l'Haye
huysmans.carla: catclock
huysmans.carla: marveous Mira in Luk's arms
huysmans.carla: Happy Zoo-Limo,an old ara,not for sale-he can speak !
huysmans.carla: close up of Lientje's cute head (1)
huysmans.carla: marvelous yellow flowers on the St.John's Wort
huysmans.carla: sweet Mira-the daily visitor who comes to eat catfood and to receive cuddles (1)
huysmans.carla: ragnar,the singapura,died in 2004,
huysmans.carla: perfect formed pearl rose
huysmans.carla: Comte de Chambord rose-old French rose (2)
huysmans.carla: cyclists in competition for the annually triathlon Geel (8)
huysmans.carla: Lientje sleeps in a purple crown-shaped catnest (1)
huysmans.carla: Lientje sleeps in her so loved pink nest (2)
huysmans.carla: here I am,I the king of the house-sleeping on my owner's bed