EatYourGarden: 1 - Cutting away a bit of grass sod for our compost heap
EatYourGarden: 2 - Laying the boxes out all nice and square.
EatYourGarden: 3 - Some of the boxes need to be levelled a bit.
EatYourGarden: 4 - Once the boxes are level, place a layer of cardboard on the bottom.
EatYourGarden: 5 - The cardboard acts as a weed barrier.
EatYourGarden: 6 - Watering the cardboard to make it more pliable and bend easily into the corners.
EatYourGarden: 7 - Our quality control inspector gives the boxes a quick check...
EatYourGarden: 8 - At last, I get to play with my valuable Peat Moss.
EatYourGarden: 9 - The perfect soil is mixed on an old tent groundsheet.
EatYourGarden: 10 - What the perfect soil should look like - Our Mel's Mix
EatYourGarden: 11 - Kathy enjoying the Light & Fluffy feel of our own perfect Square Foot Garden soil.
EatYourGarden: 12 - Time to fill those boxes and add the grids.
EatYourGarden: 13 - Our Baby Box, a 3x3 square box closest to the back door.
EatYourGarden: 14 - Still quite a bit of shade on this box, will just have to plan our planting properly.
EatYourGarden: 15 - These boxes are going to look good once they are filled with plants.
EatYourGarden: 16 - Glad to be finished, now we just have to wait a couple of months for spring ;-)