EatYourGarden: 16 - Tomatoes and Runner Beans in 25lt barrels are carried in and out as the weather permits.
EatYourGarden: 15 - Lettuce, Cauliflower and Chinese Cabbage all doing well under the cloches.
EatYourGarden: 14 - The cloches are made from plastic 2lt Coke bottles with the bottoms cut off.
EatYourGarden: 13 - But it does protect the plants from bird droppings...
EatYourGarden: 12 - The shade cloth cover provides very little protection from the weather.
EatYourGarden: 11 - The smaller Square Foot Garden box has a few simple Cloches to cover the plants.
EatYourGarden: 10 - Everythings working our quite nicely now.
EatYourGarden: 9 - The veggies are doing well even in the middle of our South African winter (0 - 8 degrees celcius)
EatYourGarden: 8 - A few veggies planted in the box to test the tunnel
EatYourGarden: 7 - When the tunnel is lifted open it provides easy access to the front side of the raised bed.
EatYourGarden: 6 - Bottom frame is fastened to the raised bed with hinges to allow easy access.
EatYourGarden: 5 - This growing tunnel is cheap to make and provides good protection from both the weather and bugs.
EatYourGarden: 4 - The air vent flaps are covered with shade netting to prvent bugs getting in
EatYourGarden: 3 - Air vent flaps on either side to let the air circulate
EatYourGarden: 2 - Made from Uvidex Plastic Sheeting, PVC Piping and Duct Tape
EatYourGarden: 1 - Our mini greenhouse growing tunnel
EatYourGarden: 6 - The finished product. Light and heat for our budding Garden of Eden.
EatYourGarden: 5 - At the moment we only have normal 'Cool White' fluorescent tubes in there, we're still trying to find wide spectrum tubes.
EatYourGarden: 4 - Heat is provided by a small 'Heated Foot Rug' purchased at a carpet shop.
EatYourGarden: 2 - See, it all worked out in the end.
EatYourGarden: 3 - At last the seedlings are planted out into seedling trays.
EatYourGarden: 1 - Am I a messy worker? No really... Am I?
EatYourGarden: 6 - Within a couple of days almost everything has sprouted.
EatYourGarden: 5 - Lettuce (both varieties), cabbage and peas follow soon after.
EatYourGarden: 3 - Four days for the Radishes to sprout - Not bad at all.
EatYourGarden: 2 - Four or five holes poked in the vermiculite and 1 - 3 seeds in each hole.
EatYourGarden: 1 - Growing seedlings in 2lt Coke bottle bottoms.
EatYourGarden: 11 - Kathy enjoying the Light & Fluffy feel of our own perfect Square Foot Garden soil.
EatYourGarden: 10 - What the perfect soil should look like - Our Mel's Mix
EatYourGarden: 9 - The perfect soil is mixed on an old tent groundsheet.