AndreaPucci: Diamanti in un mare d'oro / Diamonds in a sea of gold (Pisa, Tuscany, Italy)
AndreaPucci: Luci sul lago / Lights on the Lake (Explore!!!)
AndreaPucci: Ferro fuso / Molten iron
AndreaPucci: Banche scintillanti / Sparkling banks (Canary Wharf, London, England)
dex wira: we call kekawo
alonsodr: Above a sea of clouds
alonsodr: Colours of land
traumlichtfabrik: "One day your life will flash in front of your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching"
viks+: Lamma clouds
brady tuckett: SUNRISE IN ZION
Julianne Bradford Photography: Boulavard to the Sunset
thiajmarie: over the creek
alonsodr: The migration of clouds (310 sec)
alonsodr: Eyes & lips
alonsodr: The last trip of an old African boat (306 sec)
Levels Nature: The sun will rise again in Japan.....
newnumenor: ELC 102 Out of reach
bmse: Anna's Hummingbird
Jeluba: Velvet-purple Coronet (Boissonneaua jardini)
Claudia Covolan: beija-flor-roxo (Hylocharis cyanus)
michael pascal: Ruby Topaz resting
Jeluba: Sword-billed Hummingbird (Ensifera ensifera)
gauchocat: Anna's Hummingbird
d_smets: Fiery-throated Hummingbird
romamar76: Icicle Hummer