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albums of les cartmell
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Dean moor sunday may all classes.
Preston docks practise december 2015.
Wayne smith Training day. bootle 22 nov 15.
Stangrah 18th oct 2015.
East Cumbria Challange. Fatcats 2015.
Cumbria mx Haverigg sept 2015.
Dean moor sept 2015.
West cumbria mx. 11 july 2015.
Dean moor sunday 24 may 15.
Dean Moor, 23 may 2015.
Cumbria mx club RD1 Haverigg.
Bass 22/3/2015 practise.
Beach Bums. 15th march 15.
Lifes a beach 15 march 15.
sunday 8th march 2015.
Brampton Rd1 2015.
Brampton sunday 21 sept 2014.
Gt Salkeld 20th sept 2014
Haverigg sunday 14 sept 2014.
Haverigg sat 13th sept 2014.
skatepark 16 sept 2014.
Dean moor 6th sep 2014 (saturday)
Bootle practise sunday 28th aug 2014
Bootle practise 25th aug 2014 lightroom tests also!
Dean moor practise night. 20th aug 2014.
Haverigg rds 3 and 4 2014
N.E.T.T Quad Championships. Connor Smith Memorial, Day 1. Dean moor MX Park. West Cumbria. 14 june 2014.
Haverigg 2014 round 2.
Haverigg round 1 2014.
Gt salkeld friday 18 april 2014
Pica mx 2014 round 1.
Gt Salkeld mx 2014 Round 1
south tees practise 9th march 2014
South Tees motocross park
Gt salkeld practise. november 2013
Bootle 12th oct 2013.
Haverigg saturday 28th sept 2013
Brampton 25th aug 2013
Jamie Law training day (Dean moor)
Parkys compound 25 aug 2013
loverut 13 aug.
Brampton 4th august 2013.
Haverigg mx 20/21 july 2013.
Greystoke stages rally 2013
Dean Moor Sunday 7/7/13
Dean Moor 6/7/2013
Nymx rd4 Gt salkeld 16 june 2013.
SCOTT Amateur Nationals Brampton June 2013.
Haverigg round 1 and 2. 2013.
Brampton east cumbria mx rd4 28 april 13.
Gt salkeld 27th april 2013
Dean moor rd1 2013
Brampton 7/4/2013
Stangrah 31st march 2013 training
Gt salkeld nymx 2013 round 2
Brampton nymx 3/3/13
Malcolm wilson rally 2013
Gt salkeld Mx 1st round 2013new set
Brampton mx Rd1 2013
Fatcats 2012
Grizedale stages rally 2012.
Big daves dent training sesh! nov 12.
West cumbria mx presentation night 2012
Brampton east cumb mx 7/10/12
Haverigg 8 and 9th sept 12
Brampton MX 2 sept 12
Gt.Salkeld 1 sept 2012
Fort william 2012 downhill world cup
Haverigg practise 12 aug 12
Bracken 11/8/2012
Dean Moor 28/29 july 2012
Gt.Salkeld MX 22 july 2012
Brampton mx 21 july 2012
Nett quads north of England round 1 at DEAN MOOR.
greystoke stages rally 2012
Bass 4th june 2012
Haverigg mx 27th may 12
haverigg 26/27 may 12
Ny mx Salkeld 12 may 12.
setters 12th may 12 triggers test
Pica rd3 and 4. 5/6 may 12
nethertown test 2 may 12.
lightroom tests
cookies 25th april 2012
Nethertown 22nd april 2012
pica 14/15th april 2012.
NYMX RD2 6/4/12
Haverigg Rd2 (sunday) 1st april 2012
Haverigg rd1 1apr12
Pica practise march 2012
pumpage 27 march 12.
cookies 25/3/12
Pumptrack first sesh 2012.
East cumbria motocross rd1 Brampton 18th march 12.
Nethertown 11/3/12.
Gt.Salkeld NYMX rd 1 2012.
Malcolm wilson stages rally 2012.
nethertown 26th feb 12.
Brampton Mx feb 2012
Nethertown 29 jan 12
Nethertown 12/2/12
Fultons presentation night.
Nethertown 22 jan 2012
Nethertown 15/01/12
2012 mixed.
Black track on a cold day.
Grizedale stages rally 2011
setters tother week! as shot and some edited.
Dirtbike show 2011
Dean moor 25th sept 2011
Gt salkeld. 2/10/11
Black ash track
Brampton 4th september 2011
Mdr/Ufo national vets and 2stroke champs (bank holiday monday)
Bassenthwaite 50th anniversary
Gt.Salkeld 21 aug 2011
Dean Moor 14/8/11
Haverigg 17th august 11
Brampton 30/7/11
Greystoke rally 2011
Bass 6/7/11
haverigg 23/24 july 2011
DW Construction stages 2011.
Dean Moor BYMX 2011
Haverigg Motocross
Dean Moor Motocross
Bass motocross
Brampton MX
Various Faves.
Brampton MX
Brampton moto x
Nethertown mixed.
Fort william world cup 2011.
haverigg practise.
Gt.Salkeld MX
Cumbrian mx scene
bmx shizz!
Mountain Biking Faves
new set Photogravity 2009
new set Random