Dragan*: Birds
icemanphotos: Wasp in "prison"
Angela Doigo: 100123-Libellule-02
Darshana Abraham: Crazy For You
Martie Rheeder: Look into my eyes...
John Wolf Photography: Opodiphthera eucalypti (Saturniidae - Emperor Moths)
perlmic: Moineaux 6
kirwinj: Hummer-Pair
rondendikken: IMG_6511
Dixie Native: "All Right Mr. DeMille, I'm Ready For My Close-Up"
alexmik: Ho il parrucchiere in ferie!!!
marra121: Blue Dragonfly
law_keven: I wanna be like you.........
Rami ™: Big Red Eyes...
David Gn Photography: I'm so pretty...
kate willmer: Is it safe out there
Parag Giri: Planthopper
jungle mama: Mother Lubber, your colorful armor is astounding! Thank you for the close up.
BEZBERDY: Kissing Squirrels
Tedje51: Close-up
Yon PhotoGraphy: dragonfly and waterdrops # 1
petnobis: papilio machaon - Schwalbenschwanz- swallowtail
Jesús Gabán: Chupaleche (Iphiclides podalirius) 2