splitfirepottery: Front stack
splitfirepottery: Middle stack
splitfirepottery: Back stack
splitfirepottery: tea ware rack
splitfirepottery: .smallest kyusu
splitfirepottery: 2 cut for curve
splitfirepottery: 1 rough measure for curve
splitfirepottery: 3 try on and trim
splitfirepottery: 4 dimple for holes
splitfirepottery: 5 cut holes and score and slip
splitfirepottery: 6 assemble
splitfirepottery: kyusu pieces
splitfirepottery: kyusu and cup set
splitfirepottery: deer caddy
splitfirepottery: .bisque clays
splitfirepottery: .3 Kyusus ready to dry
splitfirepottery: Early on, blocking in
splitfirepottery: plein air on river
splitfirepottery: riverpainting
splitfirepottery: Getting ready for the next firing
splitfirepottery: A throwing session
splitfirepottery: Kiln this morning
splitfirepottery: leaf tray
splitfirepottery: New green ash glaze
splitfirepottery: Panoramic setting on my camera