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albums of jasondavidt
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Canada for trade
Canada cards for 3:1 trade (I send 3 together)
Canadian poster-style cards for trade
Canadian UNESCO for trade
International UNESCO for trade (2:1 for my missing UNESCO sites - also available for regular trade)
United States cards for trade
United States cards for 3:1 trade (I send 3 together)
Map and Flag Cards, for trade
International cards for trade (no US or European cards)
European countries (except UK) - cards for trade
United Kingdom - cards for trade
China, Hong Kong, Japan and Tibet for trade
Art cards, for trade
Transportation for trade
Animal, bird and plant cards for trade
Cartes du Monde for trade
Art of Instruction - Educational Chart cards for trade
Everything is Connected for 2:1 trade (I send 2)
People and Miscellaneous cards for trade
Aboriginal people themed cards, for trade
'Accordian' folder cards for trade
Vintage Used/Stamped Cards for Trade
My UNESCO collection, part 1 (Albania - Cyprus)
My UNESCO collection, part 2 (Czechia - Italy)
My UNESCO collection, part 3 (Italy - Russia)
My UNESCO collection, part 4 (Russia - Venezuela)
My UNESCO collection, part 5 (UK - Zimbabwe)
My UNESCO tentative site collection
My collection of Soviet Photo Postcards
My bird collection
Some favourite international cards in my collection (not UNESCO sites, parks, or animals/birds)
Some more favourite international cards in my collection
Some favourite Canadian cards in my collection (not UNESCO sites, animals or birds)
My collection of Canadian 1970s 8-cent pre-stamped cards
My collection of national park and travel poster cards
My collection of parks/protected areas/historic sites postcards (not UNESCO sites)
My collection of Canadian parks/protected areas/historic sites postcards
My collection of Indigenous-themed art cards
My collection of Group of 7 and associates art cards
Other favourite art cards in my collection (no Indigenous or Group of Seven)
My animal collection
My Collection of Soviet Ideological and Art Postcards
My collection of Giant Roadside Attraction cards
My museum collection
My collection of cards from postcard boxes and sets
My Expo 67 collection
My collection of Ottawa and Gatineau postcards
My music-themed card collection
My beer card collection
My collection of agricultural structure, equipment and crop cards
My collection of trail and hiking photo cards
My collection of Canadian provincial birds and American state birds
My collection of Bruce and Grey counties, Ontario
My collection of cards of women on bikes
My collection of neon sign cards
My collection of outdoor skating cards
Henry's cakes and baking!
Kilimanjaro, 2014