Rita Barreto: Jacaré (Caiman crocodilus yacare)
jarbas mattos: Vida de pantaneiro
amodha k: Eagle with snake
Arthur Anker: Jewel caterpillar of a dalcerid moth (Acraga sp ?)
Ed...: Huevas de chinches con parasitoides/ Eggs of bugg with parasitoides
wolfwalz: 35 - Euclea - a foto da borboleta não ficou muito boa mas foi um registro.
Brad Wilson, DVM: Gastrotheca cornuta (captive), Marsupial Horned Frog Family, Panama, Photographed at Atlanta Botanical Garden
anacm.silva: Grasshopper
arielama: DSC_0008t
sanjaydomato: Surucucu-pico-de-jaca
Dave Allen Photography: Mill Shoals Falls - WNC Waterfall Landscape Photography
Dave Allen Photography: Blue Ridge Parkway Autumn Light Rays - Enlightenment
itai2009: PICT0090_edited-1
Moo-lissa: Mum & baby
mplonsky: Fruit Fly Bubble Blower
mantidboy: Robin moth larvae (3)
Mario Martins: Esfinge (melhor em maior aumento). Isognathus sp?
aroon_kalandy: Kozhikode - Look
Andrew Snyder Photography: Mating pair Duellmanohyla soralia
Belezasdeminas: Piscina natural Brumadinho MG
Belezasdeminas: Canal de irrigação - Projeto Jaíba MG
bonnie5378: this one has captured my heart....
heidertorres: Urutau - Ghost Bird
Luiz Carlos Turci: Hypsiboas cinerascens
David Panevin: Planthopper
Bucci 10: DSC08224 copy
Sharon_S: Fly blowing a bubble
Mario Martins: Toda a sequência...