Gavatron: Balloon and boy
Gavatron: Ball toss
Gavatron: Christmas, 2014
Gavatron: Crawling brothers
Gavatron: Halfway birthday boys
Gavatron: Napping
Gavatron: Incoming
Gavatron: Funny faces
Gavatron: Female Common Merganser
Gavatron: Male Hooded Merganser
Gavatron: Crust disposal service
Gavatron: Perched Goldfinch
Gavatron: Puddle jumper
Gavatron: Tent elf
Gavatron: The Peter R. Cresswell
Gavatron: Lonán and I
Gavatron: Birthday Breakfast
Gavatron: Peering out from hidey-hole
Gavatron: First Binoculars
Gavatron: Pool party!
Corbeau du Nord: Fun With a Stick
Corbeau du Nord: Fun With a Stick
Gavatron: Hipster toddler
Corbeau du Nord: Dad Shows Lonan a Wooly Bear Caterpillar (Pyrrharctia isabella)
Corbeau du Nord: Out on the Town
Gavatron: With Nana