Steverino D: Busting Loose
Steverino D: Broken Up
Steverino D: Follow the Blocking
Steverino D: Should I Zig or Zag
Steverino D: Shakin Him Off
Steverino D: Up for Grabs
Steverino D: Height Rules for the Touchdown
Steverino D: DSC_4588_filtered
Steverino D: Slipped through the Grasp
Steverino D: DSC_4409_filtered
Steverino D: DSC_4407_filtered
Steverino D: DSC_4406_filtered
Steverino D: DSC_4405_filtered
Steverino D: DSC_4402_filtered
Steverino D: DSC_4400_filtered
Steverino D: Swing Pass
Steverino D: Evading the Tackle
Steverino D: Dance Team
Steverino D: Dance Team II
Steverino D: In For Six
Steverino D: Elation
Steverino D: Point of Impact
Steverino D: Block Attempt
Steverino D: Size Matters
Steverino D: Ready - Aim -
Steverino D: Speed Kills
Steverino D: Out of Bounds
Steverino D: DSC_3614
Steverino D: DSC_3626