nikons4me: Geneseo Consolidated School
nikons4me: Burning the Chelsea School
nikons4me: Burning the Chelsea School
nikons4me: Chelsea Feed Mill
nikons4me: Chelsea, Iowa
nikons4me: Chelsea, Iowa
nikons4me: Chelsea, Iowa
nikons4me: Chelsea, Iowa
nikons4me: Luther Consolidated School -2
nikons4me: Luther Consolidated School
nikons4me: Old Country School House
nikons4me: School's Out
nikons4me: Old School House
nikons4me: Flannery One-Room Schoolhouse
nikons4me: Sherman Township #5 Center School
nikons4me: Lily Pads
nikons4me: Tree on Boat
nikons4me: CO-OP Tractor
nikons4me: Fall Colors
nikons4me: Fall Tillage
nikons4me: John Deere GP
nikons4me: John Deere GP
nikons4me: John Deere GP
nikons4me: John Deere GP Controls
nikons4me: John Deere GP
nikons4me: Fresh Paint
nikons4me: Moline Equipment
nikons4me: Big Wheels Keep on Turning
nikons4me: Fordson
nikons4me: This Field is Almost Finished