{Karamat}: 1:365 2015: maybe this is the year I remember to send out birthday cards.
{Karamat}: 2:365 A new idea for the #disneyquiltswap2015 - some free-pieced, slightly wonky, tea cups for a partner who's a fan of Alice in Wonderland.
{Karamat}: 3:365 Reading time - with an audience.
{Karamat}: 4:365 5 1/2 days off of work, and of course I come down with a cold. Quilt and a good book to keep me company.
{Karamat}: 5:365 Pretty awesome mail day! Fabric for clothing (including a knit 😱), an OOP pattern, and some FQs from @tlkretz - thanks bunches!!
{Karamat}: 6:365 There will be one very excited little girl tomorrow morning... I snagged us Fastpasses to meet Anna & Elsa.
{Karamat}: 7:365 @jonahbonah thank you so much for the super-cute princess pouch!! We love it and can't wait to take it to Disney World! 😘 #lbfchristmasactsofkindness
{Karamat}: 8:365 This kid... knocked a big goose egg on her head yesterday, and was sent home with a 101 temp today. Great start to the new year
{Karamat}: 9:365 A start at organizing my patterns.
{Karamat}: 10:365 Girl Scout cookie sale starts today. Houston friends: Megan would be happy to help you with your cookie needs πŸ˜ƒ And for those that live afar... you can now order online for direct shipment from the baker. πŸ’š
{Karamat}: 11:365 Just needs a final pressing.
{Karamat}: 12:365 I needed something cute & Disney today. #mouselife #ittybittys
{Karamat}: 13:365 Picking a backing for my scrappy quilt.
{Karamat}: 14:365 Why hello there!
{Karamat}: 15:365 A dear friend and coworker of 15+ years unexpectedly passed away this morning. She was my secret Santa for our office gift exchange and gave me this bottle of wine - a favorite of hers. Tonight I will open it and have a glass in her memory.
{Karamat}: 16:365 "irresistible snack" uh, that would be a big NO! 😝
{Karamat}: 17:365 stitch, stitch, stitch... almost done.
{Karamat}: 18:365 A morning full of plotting and planning... 2 long lingering WIPs and some Flower Sugar that has been stashed away for ages.
{Karamat}: 19:365 Plans for the day: EPP for my #bonnieandcamillebirthdayclub project and introducing the kiddo to Star Wars.
{Karamat}: 20:365 Working away on a 2 year old WIP. I wasn't thrilled with the original project, so I've rearranged the blocks and like it so much better. 1 row down... 3 more to go.
{Karamat}: 21:365 A packed church today full of love for our friend Anita.
{Karamat}: 22:365 Done. And still happy with the change from my original plan.
{Karamat}: 23:365 Family movie night. Introducing the kiddo to The Princess Bride.
{Karamat}: 24:365 We traded in the iPad mini I won at Christmas for new iPods. And bought a Bose Bluetooth speaker. I can't wait to rock some tunes through the house. 🎢🎢
{Karamat}: 25:365 #HMQG charity quilt is finally on the cutting table.
{Karamat}: 26:365 Work friends, who feed your obsession with Starbucks mugs, are the best!! #Starbucks #youarehere #kentucky
{Karamat}: 27:365 My scrap bin has gotten a wee bit out of control.
{Karamat}: 28:365 I'm so in love with this combo! We've been introducing Megan to all of the important music she needs to know about... Robert Earl Keen Jr., Tony Bennett, Taj Mahal & Rolling Stones were on tonight's playlist.
{Karamat}: 29:365 I was supposed to be buying winter boots... somehow I ended up with these awesome new Converse.
{Karamat}: 30:365 Buttons!