Stellaforever: L'oselin della comare ...:-)
Red Storm Rising: Tired Boots
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): "Dentro-Fuera / Inside-Outside"
Loris Rizzi: Ricordiamoci di abbracciare noi stessi
Gavin MacRae: Glen Affric
Forgotten2000: Red Kite 2
Stellaforever: Fantasia
johnkaysleftleg: Mountain Dog
Yanneh: There's beauty in the breakdown
Red Storm Rising: Aurora over Thurso
Cailean Caimbeul: Coillegillie III
Cailean Caimbeul: Coillegillie
Red Storm Rising: 28. The Power of the Sea
Yanneh: "Going Nowhere"
Galerie-EF: the lonely tree
Stellaforever: Vintage
liampolson: dale mill compo
North Ports: Dunbeath Castle 2013
Forgotten2000: Dolphins
Forgotten2000: Red-breasted Merganser
John Ferguson Moray: Spherical tree