ines valor: Dispersos en la orilla
Gavin MacRae: Stag silhouette
Gavin MacRae: Highland sunrise
Yanneh: Book of butterflies
johnkaysleftleg: Golden Glow
Ian McGregor Photography: Autumn Perfection
Glasgow_Matt: Tower Bridge Dawn 'Explored'
ledval: Dubliner night
Gavin MacRae: Red-legged Partridge
John Ferguson Moray: Edinburgh glass sky monchrome
johnkaysleftleg: I'm Going to get Wet Soon
Gavin MacRae: Mute reflection
Gavin MacRae: Slumber
Gavin MacRae: Roaring in the woods
Gavin MacRae: Red Squirrel at Reelig
John Ferguson Moray: Duffus sunset
Red Storm Rising: UK Pro Surf Scottish Open
johnellis70: Northton, Isle of Harris
johnkaysleftleg: Dark Shines
johnkaysleftleg: Easy like a Sunday Morning
johnkaysleftleg: Return to the Sea
Unh@ppyb@st@rd: Storm over Black Cuillins
Michael Carver Photography: Liberty Place - Philedelphia
Unh@ppyb@st@rd: Round & round........ and round
The Open Wall (On/Off for a while): ADORABLE, with a heart of stone
Scott Robertson (Roksoff): Buachaille Etive Mor II