Cemecada: humans #
Cemecada: Humans # by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio.
Cemecada: Humans # Houses, roads and times.
Cemecada: Humans # a posibilidade do límite. / the impossible fence. (Reminder for Mr. Trump)
Cemecada: Humans # el porqué del Arte / why Art (Tribute to Rodolfo Rodríguez, "El Pana", (1947-2016)
Cemecada: Humans # blood, interaction and dreams / odola, elkarrekintza eta ametsak
Cemecada: Humans # makers of significants (initially only for other Humans.)
Cemecada: Humans# Xulia.
Cemecada: Humanos # (crenzas, espectáculos e viaxes / beliefs, entertainment and voyages)
Cemecada: o ruedo da vida. the arena of life.
Cemecada: 'Els altres'. 'Los otros'. 'The Others'. (Missatge per als senyors Puigdemont i Rajoy)
Cemecada: humans# men, beliefs and power. (And cruelty).
Cemecada: Sant Pere i Sant Pau, (detall), per El Greco
Cemecada: humans #
Cemecada: Mulleres. Women. # segundo os homes. by the men.
Cemecada: humans# Work group
Cemecada: (Tribute of El Xupet Negre to Puccini?)
Cemecada: (Roma, s. IV) pic by Edu.
Cemecada: humans# Women (by the women).
Cemecada: humans# Women (by the women).
Cemecada: humans# Travels. Voyage. 'feel, enjoy'
Cemecada: humans# Épocas. Epochs.
Cemecada: humans #
Cemecada: 'Geoffrey Hendricks and Brian', 1978, by Alice Neel.
Cemecada: # humans
Cemecada: # humans
Cemecada: # humans
Cemecada: # humans
Cemecada: # humans