Cemecada: "Homage to Vermeer"
Cemecada: Homage to Thomas Hawk
Cemecada: The Faith. (Homage to the South)
Cemecada: Sunday afternoon. / Tarde de domingo. (No homage to don Rafael S. F.)
Cemecada: Hilla and Bernd.
Cemecada: From the other side of the Earth, greetings/ homage to Steve Taylor.
Cemecada: Tribute to an evening with Wittgenstein! (From the South . . :))
Cemecada: (Homage to Pete Huu :)
Cemecada: Tribute to 'the last don'
Cemecada: Humans # a group of men is preparing again . . .
Cemecada: Homage to Jean-Claude Liehn.
Cemecada: Civil Service = Civilization? (tribute to R. Kipling and dedicated to our British flickrfriends) (before the 'Brexit-Quake' :)
Cemecada: the continuity of our beliefs?. a supervivencia das nosas crenzas? (tribute to Paul Kelly)
Cemecada: Bună Stan! / Hello Stan! . . . ;))
Cemecada: (Tribute to Hans Vonk).
Cemecada: (Tribute to Jonathan Carr :)
Cemecada: (Tribute to kl4819 :)
Cemecada: ( . . . 'I wanted that the truth were the prejudice'). (W. Eugene Smith)
Cemecada: (W. Eugene Smith in Valladolid, Castilla y León, Spain)
Cemecada: (dreams and myths; myths and dreams)
Cemecada: mm # ('te cambio el río por la tierra') (tribute to Joselo Rivera :)
Cemecada: Homage to Friedlander.
Cemecada: (Art, and its practice, forms us.)
Cemecada: (die Geyer Corner in meinem Garten :)
Cemecada: (die Geyer Corner in meinem Garten :)
Cemecada: 'Mrs. Claus', (detail), to the European style :) , by 'Thomas Hawk's Photo Workshop' :))
Cemecada: (one of those delicious evenings . . . )
Cemecada: Crooked Shelf lives!
Cemecada: (Tribute to W.R.)
Cemecada: La Venus de Velázquez cambia de posición. / Velázquez's Venus changes position. (after the Brexit)