thowed: bunga bawang
thowed: wild flower
thowed: putri malu
thowed: dead flower
thowed: dew
thowed: nastywildflower
thowed: nastywildflower part 2
thowed: proof
thowed: eat
thowed: wild berry
thowed: yellow
thowed: yellow2
thowed: bugs
thowed: ungu
thowed: ungu2
thowed: kinclooooong
thowed: 2012-02-08-008
thowed: official belle first shot.
thowed: in the midle of nowhere N8@official belle
thowed: Scr000196-tile
thowed: Scr000185-tile
thowed: 2012-01-21-232
thowed: N8 sunset@srau
thowed: N8 sunset@srau1
thowed: N8 sunset@srau2
thowed: klarap ( javanesse name )
thowed: i hate this! brrrrrr
thowed: brrrrrr...
thowed: flowers
thowed: dunno