Alan Walkington: Black Redstart,male
Jeff.S.Barker: IMG_2357 (2)Nice Purple Sandpiper but who is responsible for all the rubbish creating lots of dangers to all wildlife
Alan Walkington: Cetti's Warbler,click to view LARGE
Tony McLean: Common Crane in flight
Alan Walkington: Ring Ouzel
Floss Gibson: Emperor of the Pond
Floss Gibson: Little Boy Blue
Floss Gibson: Fire Raven
Floss Gibson: Lost Boy
Floss Gibson: Wind swept
Floss Gibson: Freaked Out
Floss Gibson: Lovely Legs
Maurice Gordon: marshfrit-3728
Maurice Gordon: marshfrit-3628
Maurice Gordon: marshfrit-3711
Jim Welford: Lesser Redpoll
Jim Welford: Rough Legged Buzzard
Jim Welford: Wryneck Kilnsea 27.8.13
Dave Simmonite: Black Redstart
Dave Simmonite: Little Owl
Jeff.S.Barker: IMG_5996Now time for food after all that bathing Turnstone see previous photographs
Maurice Gordon: hoopoe-bev-blog020
hockeyboy150: Mr. Angry
harrybursell: kingfisher with fish DV8B1121 Nightjar - Caprimulgus europaeus
Dave Ashton 43: Nightjar. Caprimulgus europaeus.
Maurice Gordon: ningle10
andyh75: Drake Long-tailed Duck
Jeff.S.Barker: Bittern North Marsh Tophill Low. Waxwings, pair feeding