vtpeacenik: Smiles!
beachwalker2007: Short-eared Owl
vtpeacenik: This Way, Ladies
beluga 7: Ile Aux Coudres
vtpeacenik: Why Wouldn't a Cow Be Happy There
jeremyhughes: Silvereye
vtpeacenik: Fog, Rolling Over the Hills
beachwalker2007: Reddish Egret
beachwalker2007: Snowy Plover chick
hvhe1: Easter surprise
hvhe1: Home is where the heart is
hvhe1: Reverence
hvhe1: The stag at the stream
CamilleEngelArt: Cedar Waxwing, Bird Oil Painting by Camille Engel
Jim Salge: New Hampshire 2015 - Jim Salge Photography
Bryan26: Img 088b Meditation
NaturalLight: Panic Mode
Jose Sousa: I believe I can fly...
beachwalker2007: gull in oil
BN Singh: Who gets lower?
Mike Bader: Grab-n-Go Bald Eagle
Mike Blanchette: New England Christmas
madre11: The Red Barn
vtpeacenik: Frozen Paintbox
Jerry Ting: Happy New Year
hvhe1: Frozen world
Synapped by Renae Smith: Mirror, Mirror on the Car...
vtpeacenik: American Copper