sdttds: IMG_6113_T. rex skeleton dancing at How Wɘird
sdttds: IMG_6064_Welcome to How Weird
sdttds: IMG_6062_Dancers having fun at the Electroluxx stage
sdttds: IMG_6070_sunglasses for hybrids
sdttds: IMG_6076_Another stage
sdttds: IMG_6083_Rynobus DJs
sdttds: IMG_6084_Rynobus stage dinosaurs
sdttds: IMG_6089_That’s hella NorCal
sdttds: IMG_6091_Dancing velociraptor…
sdttds: IMG_6115_Rexy’s getting a bit frisky
sdttds: IMG_6109_City skyline with wandering weirdos
sdttds: IMG_6097_DJ
sdttds: DSCN6398_How Wɘird
sdttds: DSCN6399_Carried off on alien shoulders
sdttds: DSCN6402_Carried off on alien shoulders
sdttds: DSCN6421_Kind of a "Thriller" meets a mime vibe
sdttds: DSCN6427
sdttds: DSCN6431_A group I met on Amtrak
sdttds: DSCN6445
sdttds: DSCN6449_Another cute couple
sdttds: DSCN6457_Abducted for dancing
sdttds: DSCN6462_The Smirking Unicorn
sdttds: DSCN6465_Rainbow-hued humans
sdttds: DSCN6471_An adorable couple
sdttds: DSCN6476_Cool couple
sdttds: DSCN6483_Stilts
sdttds: DSCN6489_Cyberpunk/Dieselpunk fashion
sdttds: DSCN6503_Tron?
sdttds: DSCN6505_Bon voyage
sdttds: DSCN6509_This is why I love street photography [Explored]