sdttds: DSC_2927_Cool Building Dupont Circle
sdttds: DSC_2911_Georgetown
sdttds: DSC_2900_Post-March For Our Lives
sdttds: DSC_2901_Post-March For Our Lives
sdttds: DSC_2902_Post-March For Our Lives
sdttds: DSC_2903_Post-March For Our Lives
sdttds: DSC_2904_Post-March For Our Lives
sdttds: DSC_2942_German-Austrian family with protest sign at NEA building
sdttds: DSC_0031_Security at Lincoln Memorial
sdttds: DSC_0050_Lincoln Memorial
sdttds: DSC_0055_Lincoln Memorial
sdttds: DSC_0080_The Three Soldiers
sdttds: DSC_0085_Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall
sdttds: DSC_0099_Washington Monument across the Reflecting Pond
sdttds: DSC_0114_World War II Memorial
sdttds: DSC_0148_Smithsonite on matrix
sdttds: IMG_5695_"Old Woman" meteorite slab at the Smithsonian
sdttds: IMG_5696_Iron meteorite at Smithsonian
sdttds: IMG_5697_Meteorite slab at Smithsonian
sdttds: IMG_5937_Good Friday Observation at U.S. Capitol
sdttds: IMG_5939_Did somebody recycle a Roman Centurion?
sdttds: DSC_0210_Fuzzy lavender and white.orchid
sdttds: IMG_5760_A wicked orchid
sdttds: IMG_5723_Septarian nodule
sdttds: IMG_5920_A magnificent Rhodochrosite specimen
sdttds: DSC_0203_Cocoa pods
sdttds: IMG_5927_Smithsonian Castle
sdttds: IMG_5919_Crocoite -- a poisonous beauty
sdttds: IMG_5904_Asbestos specimens
sdttds: IMG_5762_Coffee cherries