sdttds: IMG_9723_Havasu Falls
sdttds: IMAG1264_Pipevine swallowtail (Battus philenor) caterpillar on pipevine
sdttds: IMG_2221_Male American Rubyspot (Hetaerina americana)
sdttds: IMG_4282_Oak tree sillhouette
sdttds: IMAG2660_Bad Wolf [Explored]
sdttds: IMG_5486_WEFers
sdttds: DSC_0441_Winters silos & cloudy Coast Range
sdttds: DSC_1269_Weird meteor trail
sdttds: IMG_1107_Jambalaya
sdttds: DSC_5258_Sunset tree
sdttds: DSC_4881_Luna #explored_30SEP2021
sdttds: DSC_1200_Yellow-faced bumblebee
sdttds: DSC_0516_Tiny bee foraging
sdttds: Sophie the Northern Saw-Whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus)
sdttds: DSC_0736_Green-eyed golden bee (Male long-horned bee)
sdttds: DSC_0359_Metallic green sweat bee
sdttds: DSC_0433_Bee on red buckwheat colorsplash
sdttds: DSC_0014_Cuckoo bee (close-up)
sdttds: DSC_0336_Great black wasp
sdttds: DSC_0433_Bee on red buckwheat colorsplash
sdttds: DSC_0030_Female valley carpenter bee
sdttds: Acro yoga 09
sdttds: DSC_4779_Blue-eyed darner (Rhionaeshna multicolor)
sdttds: DSC_0996_Portrait of a Swainson's hawk_1
sdttds: IMG_9552_Havasu Canyon
sdttds: DSC_0513_WEFers
sdttds: DSC_1977_Jack, making eye-contact
sdttds: DSCN6509_This is why I love street photography [Explored]
sdttds: DSC_1975_Female Valley carpenter bee
sdttds: IMG_9576_Havasu Canyon