sdttds: IMG_6384_Unknown thunderegg from the SMS rock-pile
sdttds: IMG_6394_Thunderegg from SMS rock-pile
sdttds: IMG_6392_Large jasper with multiple agate cores (unpolished)
sdttds: IMG_1227_Chrysotile asbestos specimen (yard-rock)
sdttds: IMG_5940_Big Diggins Agate cabochon
sdttds: IMG_2522_Hampton Butte Moss Agate Freeform Cabochon
sdttds: IMG_2122_Silicified azurite chrysocolla & cuprite shield cabochon
sdttds: IMG_0118_Coprolite tongue cabochon
sdttds: IMG_0076_Horse Canyon Moss Agate freeform cab
sdttds: IMG_2521_Another agate from the SMS rock-pile (back)
sdttds: IMG_2195_Agate
sdttds: IMG_2189_Unknown moss agate test cab
sdttds: IMG_2080_Tube agate tongue cabochon
sdttds: IMG_5443_Dryhead agate cabochon - druzy detail
sdttds: IMG_5437_Dryhead agate shield cabochon
sdttds: IMG_5043_Aragonite cluster
sdttds: IMG_5034_Rainbow onyx cabochon
sdttds: IMG_4656_California Coast Range brecciated jasper cabochon
sdttds: IMG_4583_Blue lace agate oval cabochon
sdttds: IMG_4577_Seraphinite oval cabochon
sdttds: IMG_4249_First cab from gembone slab #1, necklace
sdttds: Sunday night sunset outside the show
sdttds: Mike and Carrie with the Cave Bear
sdttds: Wanda and the Cave Bear
sdttds: IMG_4233
sdttds: Quartz specimens for sale at the show
sdttds: Assorted specimens for sale at the show
sdttds: Assorted specimens for sale at the show
sdttds: Assorted specimens for sale at the show
sdttds: Assorted specimens for sale at the show